
Time is running! And i gotta move. Wasted minutes, days, and years, no more! These are my thoughts about trying to live a better life. It is one in which my own strenth and beauty bewilders me. Where the ptbo trio rock the sweetest most raddest advetures i have ever been on. One where i am realizing who i am now, and who i will be next. I dont stop searching. Neither should you. So read on, welcome to the crazy life and dreams of Melissa Sharon Russell.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

the world we are living in is wrong. its broken. its unjust. its tragic, and some of us know, that we know, that we.....know...that. Years and years are just fleeting by, unnoticed, unanswered...millions of people are dying....unnoticed, unanswered... they are living unbelieveably impossible lives. What do i cry for?

How can i know all i know and yet do nothing. is that not the greatest sin of all? But what? How? Where does anyone ever begin to comprehend the worlds problems?

the world's beauty? the other. them. us. not me. not my family. not friends. not my town, villiage, city, nation, GEOPOLITICAL REGION<<> NOT MINE.....right.....
other human beings....other children of God...other people who have dreams, hope, aspirations, feelings, hatreds, loves, strengths and weaknesses....

What can i do? How do i get the courage to deny this world-this society-these expectations. Where do i get the courage to face the harships, the struggles, how do i look death in the face, and feel brave, and do i get the point of giving up my life for a belief. for hope. for a change. for a revolution.

and what if no one joins? What if i am alone. What if all i do, no one ever knows about but me......................................................................................................................
unackwnolged (except by those whose hands i have touched, whose eyes i looked into, whose troubles i tried to comprehend in the deepest level of my soul...)

how do i die for my beliefs?

Where do i start?

I want to be a revolutionary.

I dont want to be scared anymore.

How do we start?


Blogger .reva. said...

je veux commencer avec toi...


10:31 p.m.  
Blogger Aaron Isaiah Huizenga said...

everything starts in prayer. time is running, yes, and as it goes we come closer to our real home, our fulfillment. which is not here. patience seems to be such a stupid word when you know people are dieing, but patience is what we need. we cannot do anything great apart from Christ. and we may be unaknowledged, -that's fine- its what happens when we die for Christ. i'll continue to preach myself: we start where it is most hard,right where we are.

7:31 p.m.  

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